

Monday, January 21, 2013

Beauty all around...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I know.

For me, the beautiful things are usually the small things. They are the way my husband smiles a half smile that makes a dimple just at the corner of his mouth. It's the smile that says "I'm holding back a perfectly delicious witty or sarcastic comment right now." It's the smile that won my heart.

Belle has that same little dimple sometimes, and while it doesn't necessarily come attached to a witticism, it is equally mischievous. It is her "I'm getting away with something just by being cute!" smile. In either face, it makes me thankful for my life.

The beautiful things are a clean kitchen floor, swept by my hubby before he left for work. It will surely be messy again by the time he comes home, but I like to think that sweeping this morning was less about a clean floor, and more about a gesture of love. He knows how much better I feel when the floor isn't littered with crumbs.

The beautiful things are the words of a child, reminding me that I too am different on purpose. I've been feeling like I don't fit in a lot recently. My soul has been in want of a niche. I've been feeling like I need to change myself so that I'll fit better... but that sweet 6 year old is wise beyond her years. I am different on purpose. There is beauty in being me, in my quirks, my insecurities, my ever increasing girth. There is beauty in knowing that I don't have to be like anyone else in order for my Heavenly Father to love me. There, I fit. Always.

Beauty is in the e-mail exchanges I've been having with a dear friend, the talk about everything and nothing, and the feeling that I am not expected to be any different than I am here. I can be real, be honest, be completely me and not worry about offending  the reader. We have known each other long enough to be at ease in our friendship. She has seen me in my worst moments, so I have nothing to fear.

Beauty is a song that makes me want to get up out of my recliner and move on with my day, even though my body seems to want to sleep a little longer, my head wants to pound a little harder, and my feet are starting to feel puffy. Because from this side of the morning, I couldn't care less. :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I've been wanting to write just for the sake of writing. It is something that feeds my soul, and I've been in need of more feeding recently. You know, eating for two and all of that...

The trouble is that apart from writing about stuff my adorable daughter is doing (rearranging the kitchen cabinets, at the moment) I don't feel like there's much for me to say. My life is simple, and I like it that way, but sometimes it makes me feel boring.

So, I went in search of some journal prompts and I liked the one I found HERE.

List 10 actions that, when done, make you feel as if you have really accomplished something with your day.

1. A clean kitchen floor is one of the most difficult things for me to achieve, so I'd say it's up there on the list of things that make me feel accomplished, even though it's such a small and seemingly stupid thing.
2. If I can make my daughter giggle until she snorts.
3. Completing a project that is NOT cleaning related... ie. Sewing something, making a piece of art to hang in the home, finishing a good book... Something along those lines.
4. Sad but true: Getting completely ready... Showered, dressed, make up and hair done. I strive to do this every day because it goes a long way toward making me feel like a human being-- even on the days I don't intend to leave the house or be seen by anyone excepting my family. Plus, I think it probably is nice for Troy to see someone other than the bed-haired, occlusal-guard-wearing, oily faced mess he wakes up to when he comes home from work. ;)
5. Getting Belle to willingly ride in a shopping cart without throwing a tantrum is a big deal. I sometimes wonder if I will EVER go to a store again when BB is born, because I simply do not understand how other mothers accomplish this. High five to anyone who does. Extra bonus fives for each additional offspring you cart along.
6. A load of laundry, start to finish and PUT AWAY.
7. Vacuuming, because that means the floor was clean enough to vacuum at one point. Rare and delightful.
8. If someone happens to read and then comment a blog post, it makes me feel like I've reached out to someone in this world and made a connection with them, at least enough to make them want to respond to what I've said.
9. A clean sink. That means the dishes are caught up. Hallelujah.
10. This last one is something that I can't personally do, but it does make me feel like I've accomplished something if my hubby notices that I've done any of the above items and says something about it. (Hopefully not in the "Oh my gosh it's a miracle" sort of way, but in the "Hey thanks for doing ____." way.)

Having listed these, I'm realizing that I've accomplished exactly 1 of the things on my list today. Might be worth trying for one or two more. :)
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